Four reasons to choose the tote bag as an advertising item

If we had to choose an essential promotional item that companies love for their communications, it would have to be the tote bag! Made of soft fabric, practical, and endlessly reusable, this bag appeals to brands worldwide. Available in various colors, shapes, and materials, it offers numerous customization possibilities.

What is juco? The differences between jute, juco and cotton

This year we've seen a new material enter the catalogues of the various brands we represent and we were a little intrigued by the name. We're talking about JUCO, more specifically the juco bags that Kariban and other brands are currently launching. Working with many different types of fabric (cotton, polyester, viscose, etc.), we found […]

Screen printed tote bags

We have a wide variety of customers looking for cloth bags with screen printing or direct to garment printing. In many cases, they are used by small brands looking for something more economical to sell to their customers. They are also widely used by conferences and companies to place various promotional materials inside.